Présentation produit

Présentation produit
The Real Estate Platform (REP)

The Real Estate Platform (REP)

1) Parcours Transaction 1 : Les outils d’aide à la prise de mandat 2) Parcours Transaction 2 : Comment optimiser la diffusion de vos annonces CRM Géolocalisation Immobilier neuf Leads (generation/traitement) Logiciel Marketplace Transaction

The Real Estate Platform (REP) is enterprise lead-to-close real estate management software empowering companies around the world to effectively manage and grow their business. REP supports all levels of your organization with powerful business tools for the region, offices and agents. The platform is cloud-based, secure, configurable, multilingual, multicurrency, and responsive, offering the flexibility needed to  support a wide range of global requirements. REQUEST A DEMO: 

The Real Estate Platform (REP) is a corporate real estate management software that enables businesses around the world to effectively manage and grow their businesses. REP supports all levels of your organization with powerful business tools for region, office, and agent. The platform is cloud-based, secure, configurable, multilingual, multicurrency and responsive, providing the flexibility to support a wide range of global requirements.

REP Website 
REP Features Overview Brochure 
REP Customer Testimonials 
How REP can help you overcome the challenges of business expansion  (PDF)


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